Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Travel Day!!! 11-15-11

We are one step closer to home today!!! It was pretty uneventful.  We traveled from Nanchang, Jianxi province to Guangzhou, Guangdong province.  We are here until Saturday to finalize Rylei's adoption for the US side.  Rylei did great on her first airplane ride.  We are staying at a beautiful Marriott called the China Hotel.  We are loving these hotels that we are staying in, it is going to be hard to stay at the Motel 8's that we are used to.  I will keep it brief tonight, enjoy the picks of our "spicy" little Rylei! Good Night From China!

1 comment:

  1. OMG - she is SOOO cute and adorable!!! I cannot wait to squeeze her and play with her!!!!
    So glad travels have been good and you are getting closer!
    Love & Hugs from the Davin's!
