Saturday, November 19, 2011

Projectile Vomiting!!! 11-19-11

Sorry friends we did not really take any pictures today.  We travelled by plane from Guangzhou to Hong Kong.     A couple of days ago some of the people in our group were sick with a 24 hour stomach virus and we thought we had avoided it. WRONG!!!!  Last night we were all up all night and Rylei and I were SICK! It was painful, Rylei threw up around 2am and after we cleaned that mess up and got her calmed down and back to sleep it was about 4am.  At about ten til 5 is when the exorcist decided to jump in my belly and I unloaded about 2 weeks of food and beverages, orally!!!  At this point it wasn't worth going to bed, and I felt much better so Melissa and I just stayed up as we had to leave for the airport at 7am.  With the exception of extreme exhaustion we were feeling fine.  Poor little Rylei was still not acting like herself until we checked in to our new hotel and decided that she did not like the comforter on the bed and projectile vomited all over it.  She snapped right back to herself after this, so there is a silver lining in every cloud! One of the guys named John and I were discussing at dinner, that this trip may just be 3 days to long, it is god telling us that a human body should not be subjected to such filth for such a long amount of time.LOL  We are headed to Hong Kong Disney in the morning as long as everyone is feeling up to it.  Good Night From China!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for not taking any pictures of the exorcist vomiting... I guess better in the hotel than on the plane though. I hope no one else suffers from it!
    Be safe on the rest of your journey home!!!!
    The Davin's :-)
