Saturday, November 5, 2011

Big Budda Day!!! 11/5/2011

We had a wonderful day today. It was 85 degree's with sun and clouds. We went to see the Big Buddha statue on one of the peaks of Lantau Island. We took a cable car ride that was about 4 miles in length over 4 peaks to arrive a giant statue of Buddha on top of one of the peaks that soared in the sky about ten stories. Hong Kong is one of the the most clean and beautiful cities that we have ever visited. We call it the fake China!! According to sources, when we go to mainland China it will be nothing like this. The subways here look like a hotel lobby. The beer is also Delicious! I am walking around with a wad of cash in my pocket that I think my seams are going to burst and its only about $100 US. When you go to a store to buy any soft drink, it is always $20! (about $2 US) LOL. Good night, til tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys!!!!!!!
    We are so glad that you all arrived safe and sound and that you are enjoying some sights.

    We cannot wait to see pictures of you guys with your daughter!!!
    Thanks for the posts and pictures!!!
    Love & Hugs
    Brian, Jen & Colton
