Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Last Day In Rylei's Home Province! 11-14-11

Freshly butchered pork, not sure how fresh it will be at 5:00pm!
Village's idea of a sewer system!
Scallions anyone?
Rice paddies that were recently harvested
I'm pretty sure these stairs are up to code! lol
The mound behind our group is were this village buries their dead 

We are wrapping up our stay in Nanchang, Jianxi, China tonight!  It has been a wild ride on this leg of our journey to get Rylei.  Today we went to a small farming village about an hour away.  In my opinion these people live better than the people of the city of Nanchang.  The housing was much different then I expected, most families had two story houses, because there kids went to the big city for work and sent money back to there parents to build nicer homes so that they would be able to find wives! There are not very many women in the small villages (hence the adoption process), and they are not allowed to marry anyone from their village, so this is one of the ways to lure the new girlfriends back to continue the families farming businesses.  We took a walk through there gardens, where the vegetables looked incredible and all organic for my tree hugging friend's!  The only problem in these fields was the smell that brought tears to your eyes.  Evelyn (our Guide) explained there organic process involves recycling everything, including human excrement as fertilizer! OMG!  This is when I looked down at my feet and realize I picked the proper footwear for the day once again, SANDALS! At this point after 10 days, if I don't have a staff infection, I must be immune!  Then we got the opportunity to walk through some rice patties that had already been harvested, it is a pretty interesting process where the fields are flooded during the rainy seasons for the rice to grow, then harvested twice per year during the dry season when the fields dry out.  After the rice is harvested, they burn the stalks in the field and use the ash as fertilizer for other crops.  We then went out to lunch again as a group, and Evelyn and Sissy decided that we pasted the spice test for the past week and turned it up a couple notches!  The dishes were so HOT, Mike Lieber almost needed mouth to mouth, he reminded me of the bar seen in the classic movie Dumb and Dumber!  Tomorrow we will be traveling to Guangzou, where the American Embassy is to finalize Rylei,s adoption in the USA's eyes! YAYYYYYY!!! Wish us luck on Rylei's first plane ride. Good Night From China!      

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