Thursday, November 10, 2011

Isolated in Nanchang! 11-10-11

We had a fun day today here in Nanchang! Rylie is doing exceptionally well, Melissa and I are in our glory with her. We started off the day going to a market where all the locals shop. WOWWWW!!!! Reality of China slapped us right in the face. It is swamped with people, it is unlike anything I have ever seen. As soon as we step off the bus we are swarmed by people, because they very rarely see any white people! They are all very friendly but it is overwhelming. We are starting to feel very isolated! We then went out to a nice lunch at a Chinese restaurant (I mean restaurant, lol). Later in the evening my mother-in-law, Kim (a new friend of ours from Kentucky) and I went out for a walk to explore the neighborhood around our hotel. Holy S@#t, the things that we saw was straight out of a national geographic magazine! The alleyways were filled with veggie markets, meat hanging and lots of skinned animals with the heads still attached! It was awesome! We have been admiring a restaurant out of our hotel window from the 28Th floor. In the parking lot there is a pond with fish that look to be quite large, and a dog kennel attached (I am sure this is just a coincidence, because don't all restaurants run dog kennels, Buwahahaha) from our view, so I needed to explore the situation! When we walked by the owner and chef were in the parking lot feeding the dogs! In the pond there was 3' cat fish on 1 half and on the other half was an alligator with tape around its snout and 2 large turtles! Needless to say, I don't think we will be eating there anytime soon!! Good Night From China!

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