Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rainy Day In Nanchang! 11-9-2011

Today was just a lazy day in Nanchang. We had a doctor come to the hotel to check out all the babies. Some of the babies are very malnutritioned and have slight colds, but not SuSu (Rylei), she as healthy as one could be. Rylei is doing exceptionally well, she eats great, sleeps great and is already starting the bonding process with Melissa and I. We then decided to take a cab downtown to look around and everybody should experience this just once in there life. There are no rules to driving here, if there is blacktop or concrete, it is first come, first serve (literally). Cars, buses, trucks, mopeds, rickshaws and pedestrians all share the same turf. Good luck with it! Later in the day we decided to go out to dinner with some Friend's we made through the adoption process over the last 5 years. There names are Brian, Keek, Jaden and there newest addition Lucie Hill, from Colorado. Our guide wrote the name of a restaurant and a few of her local favorite dish's in Chinese on a piece of paper hailed us a cab and sent us on our way! It was a ton of fun! They didn't have 1 of the dish's that was written down so everyone nominated me to go to a wall full of pictures and pick out a dish. It only took me about 10 minutes to figure out what the hell this stuff was! lol. The tricky part of the situation is, this is all done in sign language. We are quite the spectacle here, everyone is staring and laughing throughout all these debacles. The meal was very good even though we have no idea what we where eating (cat, insects, retriever, not sure!). We are back and still alive, so all is good. Good night from China!!!

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