Saturday, November 12, 2011

The People's Park 11-12-11it

The People's Park- Nanchang

The commonly practiced Tia chi exercise in The People's Park

Proud soldiers in the park!

Who wouldn't want a picture with me?

A man was using a paint brush in the park, dipping it in water and practicing his calligraphy on the walk, then he saw us gathered around him and wrote this in perfect English!

Largest working ferrous wheel in the world!

Melissa's new favorite bathroom!

We had another wonderful day with our little bundle of joy Rylei!  Today we went to a beautiful park, called The People's Park.  There are parks all over the city like this, it was huge.  We could have spent all day there.  It was packed with people, some of the people doing traditional Tia chi exercises, the children where all running and playing,  it was very interesting to see how the Chinese spend there Saturday's.  It was very busy, but very peaceful!  It was a great escape from the city of the past week, were every minute there is someone honking there horn at you or bumping into you, until Melissa, Rylei and I stopped on a bridge crossing a nice pond to have our picture taken and a little battery operated miniature golf cart came driving across the bridge and f$%^#g honked at us!  We were laughing so hard we almost fell in the pond!  We will have nightmares of the horns for years! lol.  Later in the day we grabbed a cab and went to see the world's largest ferrous wheel.  It is hugggggge!  It takes 30 minutes to circle just once.  Melissa and my mother-in-law are afraid of heights to start off with, so I knew this was going to be entertaining.  About 10 minutes in the wheel stopped. They where having panic attacks, so of course I had to get it rocking a bit!  We all survived but I think my mother-in-law had to take a nitro pill!!!  We walked around and took on the sights and annoying sounds for a while longer and Melissa decided she had to use the bathroom! RUTROW!  We all know. in this city, to use the facilities before leaving the hotel.  This is where the picture above comes into play.  In China the public restrooms are called squat potties, I'm sure from the picture I don't have to explain.  I was impressed, her pants were dry when she came out!  In the men's room there was a lady mopping the floor with the toilet bowl water, then she re-dipped and continued to mop the toilet seats (anybody throw up in there mouth yet?), to say the least, it is very clean and sanitary here!  Good Night From China!!!!!

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