Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Medical Exam Day 11-16-11

Rylei posing for her visa to travel picture
These people asked me to be in there wedding, but we are leaving on Saturday, so I had to decline!
Waiting to see the doctor!
Kids posing for a magazine photo shoot

This morning we went over to Shamian Island here in Guangzhou to get a physical for Rylei, so that she will be cleared for her visa to travel to the states.  What a scam!  First of all I,m not sure they were even doctors in the clinic.  She went into the ENT (ears, nose, throat) room first, where the doctor looked in both ears and looked at her tongue and told us everything looks great, I am still trying to figure out what happened to the nose and throat part! LOL  Then they put her on a scale and told us she was 16 pounds, this is when I start to laugh at these buffoons and tell them they need a new scale!  If she weighs 16 pounds then I want that scale in my house, I would probably be a buck fifty!  After we wasted our morning in this mosquito infected clinic, we went out to explore the island.  It is beautiful, with architecture that looks a lot like Charleston, South Carolina.  The streets are lined with huge banion trees.  There are not many cars on the island so it was a nice change of pace.  The sweet sound of no horns!  We finished off our day with another memorable group dinner and some shopping for some gifts that are made in China!  We figure we can't find anything made in China in the US! LOL   Good Night From China!! P.S. 4 more days! YIPPIEEEEE!  

1 comment:

  1. Did they test her hearing with a vegetable squeaky toy? That is when we knew we were in for an "experience" :)
