Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday 11-6-2011 Group Tour Day

Today we were up bright and early for a Hong Kong city tour. We met our CCAI rep Mathew in the lobby 8:30, of course there were people that were late (you know how I like that, lol). He is a very nice middle aged man that speaks excellent chinglish!!! Ha-ha. We jumped on a bus and went up to Victoria Peak where we were treated to a great view of all of Hong Kong. We were able to see all of Victoria Harbor to the north and all the way to the south to the South China Sea. Then we got back in the bus and went to Aberdeen Fishing Village where we were able to see the side of Hong Kong that is hidden from the visitors of Kowloon Island. This is where the families live on their boats in the fishing community. It was disgusting. There are multi-million dollar apartments overlooking the poor who don’t have a pot to piss in, (literally). Then we went over to a shopping plaza called Stanley Market, definitely a grabber plaza for tourist! We then continued on to a Jewelry store where Melissa was latched on to as soon as we walked in by a lady who graduated from Mercyhurst College in NY, (I handed Melissa the credit card and proceeded to the bar!). We then went on to have a dim sum lunch where the food was very similar to the Chinese food we are used to at home. We met our entire adoption group today and everyone seemed to be very nice. As most of the group went to their rooms at 3 in the afternoon (WHAT!) we went out to explore the harbor some more. We walked down to where there was a cruise ship in the harbor, where Melissa was accosted while we stood and watched the commotions around us. Someone tried to slice her backpack open and we didn’t even realize it! Kind of funny because they would have scored only some wet wipes and Tylenol, since we don’t carry anything with us for scumbags to steal. We proceeded to a cool bar outside or hotel for a night cap or two. Tomorrow is GOTCHA DAY; here we come Rylei, HOLY CRAP!!!! See you all tomorrow!!!!

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