Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 One Week Down!

The above picture shows the amazing difference of the old and new everywhere we go in Nanchang. 1500 year old Pavilions next to new skyscrapers!

Pretty Hysterical signage in the above 2 pictures to the bathrooms, the lower picture points towards the lake, and the upper picture pretty much explains why you shouldn't drink the water in China!

What a great day in Nanchang, 70 degrees and blue sky's (with a little smog mixed in of course)! We have been hear a week now, and have seen some amazing things, we have added a wonderful addition to our family, Rylei is doing awesome, we have seen the huge cultural differences between the USA and China, so I can only imagine what the next 9 days are going to bring! We will be forever grateful to this country for this little girl that is fitting right in with us. She has now figured out that if she makes a peep we will come running to pick her up and cuddle her. She is such a happy baby, her big sister is going to have a ball with her. Today we went to Tengwangge Pavilion. It was built during the early Ting Dynasty, 500a.d. The architecture is truly remarkable, it is six stories high with soring views all around the city. On the top floor of the pavilion, we were treated to a singing performance! I think most of us would have rather had a sharp stick to the eye!!! But it was entertaining to say the least, the only way to explain it is, it sounded like a pig squealing. Then we went to lunch again and had meat swallow soup, delicious, they might be on to something, just not sure what swallow is! When we returned to the hotel we decided to journey out for a walk again. This time we went searching for a pair of sunglasses (I left mine on the flight to Nanchang). I have been looking for a pair for 4 days, can't find them here. We ducked into a little alley of shops (I use this term lightly) and found a pair. The only men's pair I could find, they were a whopping 8 bucks. Good Night From China!!!


  1. Colton wants to know if we can come to your hotel to play and is very confused that it's not your house that you are at and why can't we just play with Rylei right now!
    It sounds like you guys are having such an amazing experience! It's crazy to see how things are so different from picture to picture.
    We love looking on here every day to see what is going on with our new friend to be Rylei!!!

  2. This blog is awesome!!! It sounds like you are having so much fun and we are so happy to see how well Rylei is doing. She is truly beautiful.

  3. The above post is from me Shelby. Can't figure this freaking thing out
