Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rylei Is All Ours! 11-17-11

Getting ready to become a US citizen!
This is the only sign outside the US Consulate office!
Our whole group after the oath at the consulate office!
Keek & Lucy Hill, Charity & Natalie Dennington, Beth & Delaney Leiber with Melissa & Rylei!!
Sophie, Delanie, Natale, Autumn, Malia, Sarah, Lucy, Cayla & Rylie!  

Today was another great day.  We had an early morning appointment at the US Consulate office to get Rylei's visa to travel to the States and to take the oath on her behalf, as all LEGAL immigrants have to say  when being sworn in as citizens of the United States!  This was supposed to be a simple process as all the T's where crossed and the I's where dotted.  Well, about 9:30 Wednesday night we received a call in our room that there was a problem with our paperwork!  Jason our CCAI Representative said that one of the forms that had been prepared A MONTH AGO had the wrong babies name on it.  He told us we would have to make a new appointment at the consulate and the earliest one we could receive was on the 23rd!  SERIOUSLY!!!  Well, we come home on the 21st, so in my mind the math is not adding up.  Anybody see a problem with this except us!  This is where I proceed to blow my stack and told him he better make this happen today or else, with more than a few expletives thrown in!  Well, with a little delay in our proceedings this morning, all is well and we will receive her visa tomorrow afternoon and we can leave Guangzhou Saturday morning.  And it can't come soon enough!  This afternoon we went to the pearl market to get our girls some necklaces to give them when they get older or on their wedding day.  I think there was smoke coming off my credit card after that purchase! Anybody hiring because I think I might need a fourth job! LOL.  Then we finished off the evening with our friends the McIntyre's and the Lieber's for dinner and a couple of drinks.  Good Night From China!

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