Sunday, November 20, 2011

Here We Come USA!!! 11-20-11

The funny part about this sign is there is no beer served in the park!

Well we finished off our trip with a bang today at Disneyland Hong Kong.  We went with Bryan, Keek, Jaden & Lucy Hill, who we have become really good friends with over the last 19 days and we will miss them when we get home.  We are the last 2 families to leave China, as all the other families left today.  It was very nice, it was a bit smaller than Orlando Disney, but it felt like we were in the states at Disney with a lot of Asian people, LOL.  We are very excited to be going home in the morning. We are all back to being relatively healthy.  Many thanks to our family and friends for your love and support over the last 5 1/2 years, and for following along on this amazing and crazy journey that brought our beautiful baby girl Rylei into our lives! So we will see you all real soon, so for last time, GOOD NIGHT FROM CHINA!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Projectile Vomiting!!! 11-19-11

Sorry friends we did not really take any pictures today.  We travelled by plane from Guangzhou to Hong Kong.     A couple of days ago some of the people in our group were sick with a 24 hour stomach virus and we thought we had avoided it. WRONG!!!!  Last night we were all up all night and Rylei and I were SICK! It was painful, Rylei threw up around 2am and after we cleaned that mess up and got her calmed down and back to sleep it was about 4am.  At about ten til 5 is when the exorcist decided to jump in my belly and I unloaded about 2 weeks of food and beverages, orally!!!  At this point it wasn't worth going to bed, and I felt much better so Melissa and I just stayed up as we had to leave for the airport at 7am.  With the exception of extreme exhaustion we were feeling fine.  Poor little Rylei was still not acting like herself until we checked in to our new hotel and decided that she did not like the comforter on the bed and projectile vomited all over it.  She snapped right back to herself after this, so there is a silver lining in every cloud! One of the guys named John and I were discussing at dinner, that this trip may just be 3 days to long, it is god telling us that a human body should not be subjected to such filth for such a long amount of time.LOL  We are headed to Hong Kong Disney in the morning as long as everyone is feeling up to it.  Good Night From China!  

Friday, November 18, 2011

Last Day In Mainland China! 11-18-11

This was our last day in mainland China!  We are very excited to be moving on, we have had a wonderful adoption journey, but we are ready to go home.  Tomorrow we fly back to Hong Kong, and will go to Disney on Sunday! (Don't tell Raegan, LOL).  Today we just went back to Shamian Island and did some more shopping and had a stone etching done of Rae and Rylei, it is in the picture above!  It was all done by hand and she was able to fuse a picture of Rae in with a picture of Rylei!  We will talk from Hong Kong tomorrow!  Good Night From China!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rylei Is All Ours! 11-17-11

Getting ready to become a US citizen!
This is the only sign outside the US Consulate office!
Our whole group after the oath at the consulate office!
Keek & Lucy Hill, Charity & Natalie Dennington, Beth & Delaney Leiber with Melissa & Rylei!!
Sophie, Delanie, Natale, Autumn, Malia, Sarah, Lucy, Cayla & Rylie!  

Today was another great day.  We had an early morning appointment at the US Consulate office to get Rylei's visa to travel to the States and to take the oath on her behalf, as all LEGAL immigrants have to say  when being sworn in as citizens of the United States!  This was supposed to be a simple process as all the T's where crossed and the I's where dotted.  Well, about 9:30 Wednesday night we received a call in our room that there was a problem with our paperwork!  Jason our CCAI Representative said that one of the forms that had been prepared A MONTH AGO had the wrong babies name on it.  He told us we would have to make a new appointment at the consulate and the earliest one we could receive was on the 23rd!  SERIOUSLY!!!  Well, we come home on the 21st, so in my mind the math is not adding up.  Anybody see a problem with this except us!  This is where I proceed to blow my stack and told him he better make this happen today or else, with more than a few expletives thrown in!  Well, with a little delay in our proceedings this morning, all is well and we will receive her visa tomorrow afternoon and we can leave Guangzhou Saturday morning.  And it can't come soon enough!  This afternoon we went to the pearl market to get our girls some necklaces to give them when they get older or on their wedding day.  I think there was smoke coming off my credit card after that purchase! Anybody hiring because I think I might need a fourth job! LOL.  Then we finished off the evening with our friends the McIntyre's and the Lieber's for dinner and a couple of drinks.  Good Night From China!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Medical Exam Day 11-16-11

Rylei posing for her visa to travel picture
These people asked me to be in there wedding, but we are leaving on Saturday, so I had to decline!
Waiting to see the doctor!
Kids posing for a magazine photo shoot

This morning we went over to Shamian Island here in Guangzhou to get a physical for Rylei, so that she will be cleared for her visa to travel to the states.  What a scam!  First of all I,m not sure they were even doctors in the clinic.  She went into the ENT (ears, nose, throat) room first, where the doctor looked in both ears and looked at her tongue and told us everything looks great, I am still trying to figure out what happened to the nose and throat part! LOL  Then they put her on a scale and told us she was 16 pounds, this is when I start to laugh at these buffoons and tell them they need a new scale!  If she weighs 16 pounds then I want that scale in my house, I would probably be a buck fifty!  After we wasted our morning in this mosquito infected clinic, we went out to explore the island.  It is beautiful, with architecture that looks a lot like Charleston, South Carolina.  The streets are lined with huge banion trees.  There are not many cars on the island so it was a nice change of pace.  The sweet sound of no horns!  We finished off our day with another memorable group dinner and some shopping for some gifts that are made in China!  We figure we can't find anything made in China in the US! LOL   Good Night From China!! P.S. 4 more days! YIPPIEEEEE!  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Travel Day!!! 11-15-11

We are one step closer to home today!!! It was pretty uneventful.  We traveled from Nanchang, Jianxi province to Guangzhou, Guangdong province.  We are here until Saturday to finalize Rylei's adoption for the US side.  Rylei did great on her first airplane ride.  We are staying at a beautiful Marriott called the China Hotel.  We are loving these hotels that we are staying in, it is going to be hard to stay at the Motel 8's that we are used to.  I will keep it brief tonight, enjoy the picks of our "spicy" little Rylei! Good Night From China!